Paranormal Investigations 101

Paranormal Investigations have their roots in the early days of the Spiritualism Movement of the 1800's. During the period fraudulent psychics and spirit photographers were as common as dentists and doctors of the time. The result led to professional detectives, escape artists and researchers to attempt to identify and expose these frauds. Professionals such a Harry Houdini, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and even Thomas Edison dedicated significant amount of time to discrediting fraudulent psychics and reported paranormal activity.
Today, thanks in-part to Ghost Hunters, paranormal investigations have become a popular hobby for those seeking a bit of adventure. While professional researchers have dedicated a significant amount of their lives earning degrees in related fields and generating academic journals based on their studies. There is a clear distinction between the professional who has dedicated years of their life and the amateur that has an interest in capturing evidence of the paranormal or simply experiencing the phenomena.
There are actually three different approaches to conduct paranormal investigations; analyst, intuitive and documentarian. Each approach carries a different connotation in research circles but each also has a different goal.
The Analyst
The Analyst utilizes equipment like EMF Meters, CCTS Cameras, Environmental Quality Meters among other technology to document every aspect of the environment so that they can capture any anomalies.
The Analyst Method:
- Conduct Witness Interviews
- Establish Baseline Data (Initial Survey of Site)
- Correlate Witness Accounts with Baseline Data
- Investigation of Site with Survey Equipment
- Correlate Survey Results with Phenomena Captured on Documentary Equipment
- Evaluate Results for False Positives
- Present Findings along with Possible Causes
The Intuitive The Paranormal Intuitive approach to investigations is the oldest methods taken by would-be ghost hunters. The Intuitive relies on subjective impressions of the site, otherwise called 'psychic intuitive' approach. The intuitive uses their own impressions, experiences and emotional responses to the environment. Sometimes the intuitive may use a basic EMF meter or digital still camera to support their investigation. TV shows that employ this method include the new show The Dead Files.
Intuitive Method:
- Conduct Witness Interviews
- Investigation of Site
- Present Findings
- Conduct Witness Interviews
- Review Site History with Witnesses
- Investigation of Site
- Present Findings
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