Paranormal Mystery Tour Coming To Remsen And Central New York

Central New York has some of the most historic haunted sites in New York and is now bringing out some of the most renowned ghost hunters of film and TV.
The Haunted History Trail launched earlier this year to chronicle the ghost stories and history of New York State so that others could experience it. Now, thanks to Oneida County Tourism, many people can experience the history and hauntings of historic sites like the Rome Capitol Theatre, Hulbert House, Farnam Mansion, the Remsen Stone Meeting House and even the Haunted Trains of the Adirondack Rail Road.
Now, with the help of local historic sites, colleges and county tourism the Paranormal Mystery Tour is making it's way through New York with multiple stops on the tour in Central New York along the Haunted History Trail.
The Paranormal Mystery tour, hosted by Brian J. Cano of Syfy Channel's Haunted Collector and Chris Mancuso founder of Scared! will be making a number of stops in Central New York including Utica College and the Remsen Stone Meeting House.
As part of this years PARANORMAL MYSTERY TOUR, Brian and Chris will be joining the NY Shadow Chasers at the Remsen Stone Meeting House for an evening of haunts and history.
The event will go for four hours and will consist of a meet & greet/lecture and then an investigation. Got questions about Haunted Collector? Curious about a new piece of tech? Want to learn methods of investigating from a pair of seasoned veterans? Then come join Brian and Chris at the Meeting House!
Tickets are $20 per person. All ticket proceeds benefit the museum and its programs.
The Remsen Stone Meeting House is located at 9793 Prospect Street Remsen, NY 13438 Call (315) 724-2164 for more info about the site.