Digital Dowsing's EMF - ITC Review

The EMF-ITC is a new exclusive device from Digital Dowsing that is both an EMF meter with high sensitivity and an ITC device that is features Environmental Communications Modes.
From Digital Dowsing:
"...We didn’t want to make another EMF meter ! there are already hundreds out there many are VERY good. We wanted to make an EMF meter that was geared for Paranormal use. That’s why the LED scale can be changed or you can ignore EMF below a certain level. This device has 5 different select screens just to display EMF so it can be tailored to the user or the circumstances. We added ITC to allow users to experiment more ! Simply put nothing happens on demand. ITC takes time, trial and error. That’s why we have added an Ovilus Mode to experiment with text driven purely by changes in the environment. This device DOES NOT use any type of random generator ! The YES NO mode is an ITC approach for those that want defined actions. The EMF level is sampled and a floating average is computed. In this Mode a – represents no response, to get a YES the EMF must increase by the EMF percentage selected. To say NO the EMF must decrease below the average by the same percentage creating a measured response ! EMF drawing mode is perhaps the strangest thing we have ever done, Channels 3 and 4 are sample they are reacting to simple static electricity, EMF or Ionization. The Values are drawn directly to the screen as pixels. Sometimes the images are simple lines or almost all dark or light other times Numbers, letters figures ect. We started experimenting with this in the first beta versions of the Paranormal Puck, Though we never released the drawing mode till this device was built."
In reality, the EMF-ITC serves as a strong EMF meter that is capable of reporting frequencies for the EMF, ION counter, Tri-Axis modes, Peaking and a really innovative feature... EMF Mapping of the immediate environment.
While the EMF- Draw mode is initally hard to sort out, once you're used to it, you can identify every EM source in the environment and the general radiation patterns. This is very effecient for getting a general idea of where sources are located before conducting a full survey.
The ITC portion of the device...
Need to know more.... [EMF-ITC Manual]