
So, today, we finally reached 1800 followers on Facebook! That is a huge milestone for us, as it seems that we are getting those followers in an organic manner. I guess that shows that we are doing something right with the content that we are providing. And I'm sure giving away free equipment also helps. At least you guys are earning it, right?
ElectroSensor |
Tonight, we are going to be giving away an ElectroSensor. This is the device pictured. It is fairly useful and accurate when investigating the paranormal, and is handily pocket-sized, which comes in handy when carrying around a lot of different pieces of equipment during an investigation. Overall, it is a good starter meter, and we're looking forward to giving it away to a lucky fan and supporter!
As it's the first week of 2011, it's natural to look back on the year behind us, and the Shadow Chasers can't help but marvel at how much things have changed for us in the past year. We've started working with some wonderful people at Town Square Media, who have helped us reach a much broader audience, which has helped us to meet some wonderful people, investigate some truly haunted locations, and help history all at the same time. We are definitely very lucky people.
We are also lucky to have so many people follow us and support us. It makes us happy to log into Facebook and see that people are commenting on our posts, and are reacting to what we're saying. We're so appreciative of everyone who supports us, and we're hoping that we're showing that appreciation by giving away this meter, and the other meters that we have given away before Christmas. We only wish that we could give all 1800 of you meters. But that would be waaay too expensive. So instead we give you thanks!
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